How do I bring PBL to my school/district? | Episode 95

desk with a spiral notepad with how? on it and a cup of pens, a coffee cup and calculator
At Magnify Learning, we’re on this journey of bringing Project Based Learning to the world. Part of that is bringing new schools onboard, and part of it is playing defense and making sure that schools that are onboard stay onboard.
— Ryan Steuer, Executive Director, Magnify Learning

Welcome to the PBL Simplified, brought to you by Magnify Learning, where we help teachers, school leaders, and afterschool workers find their sweet spot through PBL!

Make sure you follow us on Twitter: @magnifylearning, @ryansteuer


We are talking about two schools today. One had a design plan for bringing in Project Based Learning. The other school didn't have a succession plan. I'm also going to give you the backstory for these design days and how it goes when you have a succession plan and when you don't.

We also dive into concerns about a community partner taking over your class with their own agenda in today’s “need to know.” This can be a real concern, but I’ve never heard of that happening. You bring in the community partner, so you choose a partner that you know well enough that problems won’t happen. 

Episode Highlights: 

[02:23] If you're bringing in a community partner, you should know them well enough to know whether or not they're going to bring their own agenda.

[03:17] Find a person that fits and have the discussion beforehand.

[05:24] The first school brought in PBL. They did great training and had a principal that was fired up. They went through PBL Jumpstart and PBL Advanced. They did amazing things and really served their learners. 

[06:08] They didn't invest in the coaching at the administrative level to create a succession plan. When the principal moved on PBL disappeared.

[08:43] What are the systems and processes that are in place that aren't just built around you as a dynamic leader?

[12:33] You need time to think about the plans and the processes for your specific customized environment. Have a future plan in place, so when you move on your work doesn't die.

[14:15] Put out your North Star and create grassroots momentum by inviting people into your vision.

[17:21] Living the Project Based Learning process engages students, learners, principals and superintendents. The mindset goes through every level when living out this process on every level.


  1. What is PBL?

  2. Ask Ryan

  3. Magnify Learning YouTube

  4. Project Based Learning Stories and Structures: Wins, Fails, and Where to Start

  5. Magnify Learning

  6. Ryan Steuer Twitter @ryansteuer

  7. PBL Workshops For Schools & Districts

  8. Community Partner Resources

  9. Strategies For Supporting PBL In Your School Or District