Danny Bauer of Better Leaders Better Schools | Episode 87

Part of success is just consistently showing up and creating value for others.
— Danny Bauer, Chief Ruckus Maker at Better Leaders Better Schools

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Danny Bauer from Better Leaders Better Schools is here to continue our conversation about leaders, confidence, and competence. Danny is the host of the Better Leaders, Better Schools podcast and the author of The Better Leaders Better Schools Roadmap and Mastermind.

He says that one of his super powers is taking action. 

We talk about visioning your work by focusing on your vision for yourself first. Danny shares what a Ruckus Maker is and creative ideas for achieving success by coloring outside the lines. We also talk about where confidence comes from and sharing creativity. We touch on getting creative things to happen by asking. We also talk about setting up your staff for success and having an alignment of resources. 

Episode Highlights: 

[03:43] In 2019, Danny's publisher asked him to write a book about how he serves leaders. This book tells the story of the leadership community in his mastermind group. 

[05:08] He talks about why masterminds are a solution for creating powerful leaders and introduces the ABC's of powerful professional development. Integrating authenticity, belonging, and challenge in a meaningful way leads to life and leadership transformation.

[07:25] A tip for making conferences better is to block off an extra day for journaling and making an action plan.

[07:37] Masterminds happen more often, such as weekly, and you are with other people who understand what you're trying to do. You can have regular deep thinking on education and leadership while strengthening relationships. 

[08:57] Danny shares an example of one of his mastermind leaders that is winning and creating success. 

[11:44] Masterminds can be a space where you can bounce ideas off of other leaders. 

[12:32] The idea of being a Ruckus Maker is a tip to Seth Godin.


  1. What is PBL?

  2. Ask Ryan

  3. Magnify Learning YouTube

  4. Project Based Learning Stories and Structures: Wins, Fails, and Where to Start

  5. Magnify Learning

  6. Ryan Steuer Twitter @ryansteuer

  7. Community Partner Resources

  8. Better Leaders Better Schools

  9. daniel@betterleadersbetterschools.com

  10. (312)788-7595

  11. The Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast with Daniel Bauer

  12. The Better Leaders Better Schools Roadmap: Small Ideas That Lead to Big Impact

  13. Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader

  14. Daniel Bauer LinkedIn

  15. Danny Baur Instagram

  16. Better Leader Better Schools Twitter

  17. Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs

  18. Seth Godin

  19. Seven Strong Claims About Successful School Leadership