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Are you looking to bring PBL to your classroom or school?

Don’t do PBL alone! We have a whole community that can help.

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Innovative Teacher Sign-Up

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Visionary Leader Sign-Up

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Visionary Leaders sign up for the admin specific newsletter, so they can share resources and new opportunities with their staff. How do you keep those innovators at your school resourced with tools to keep them engaged?

Innovative teachers need to hear about the PBL success stories out there and have the latest resources to keep their classroom operating at a high level.

Every newsletter comes packed with blogs, videos, podcasts, and courses to keep you and your staff using the latest in PBL best practices.

I enjoyed the engagement of the magnify Learning PBL workshop. I thought the workshop was set up to engage everyone while also teaching us about PBL and how to incorporate it into the classroom.
— Abby Myers, New PBL Teacher