Writing Your Book | Episode 75

Every child, every teacher, and every educator can benefit from Project Based Learning.
— Ryan Steuer, Founder of Magnify Learning, Host of The PBL Playbook

Welcome to the PBL Simplified, brought to you by Magnify Learning, where we help teachers, school leaders, and afterschool workers find their sweet spot through PBL!

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Show Notes

We are now PBL Simplified, a name that matches my book coming out in January of 2023. I'm taking Project Based Learning and simplifying it, so you can bring it to your school, classroom, or district. Recently, tons of questions about how to write a book, publish, etc. have come up in my mastermind group. It's such a hot topic that I'm talking about it today.

In the next two leadership episodes, I'm going to be talking about writing a book. Our "Need to Know" is going to be about finding the topic of the book, because everybody has a book in them. Then we move on to our main topic which is how to get started writing a book. We kick off with the first three steps to getting your book on its way.

Episode Highlights: 

[02:36] Find your topic: What gets you fired up? What do you often say? If you're a leader, you probably have a saying that you start every meeting with.

[03:38] My tagline used to be life is choices.

[06:23] There are six steps to writing a book: vision and goals, outline, big picture writing, share your first draft, find an editor, and get a publisher.

[07:19] Find your vision and goal. Why do you want to write the book? What's your vision and the topic that you are passionate about?

[13:47] Outline: I like to use an old fashioned mind map. Major topics will become chapters. You can then formulate your ideas. 

[16:38] Start big picture writing. Do not edit! Get some words on the page. Don't limit yourself. Create time for this.

Resources & Links Related to this Episode

  1. What is PBL?

  2. Ask Ryan

  3. Magnify Learning YouTube

  4. Project Based Learning Stories and Structures: Wins, Fails, and Where to Start

  5. Magnify Learning

  6. Ryan Steuer Twitter @ryansteuer

  7. Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done

  8. Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking

  9. All It Takes Is A Goal With Jon Acuff

  10. Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen


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